Isaiah Burroughs, ‘Inheriting Intangibles: Exploring Copyright Erosion Through Succession via Will’

Under current copyright law, the holder enjoys copyright protection for the duration of the author’s life, extended by seventy years. However, the question arises: who assumes ownership of post-mortem copyright, and to what extent do their rights extend? Unless the recipient possesses legal or artistic insight, this transition can often represent a forfeited chance for intergenerational wealth exchange. Moreover, it might lead to a loss of creativity and innovation within society at large. This comment delves into potential remedies for this issue. Specifically, it explores how we might address this challenge and proposes an examination of diverse policy considerations aimed at fortifying post-mortem copyright regulations.

Burroughs, Isaiah, Inheriting Intangibles: Exploring Copyright Erosion Through Succession via Wills (April 8, 2024).

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