Michael Crawford, Review of Luke Rostill, Possession, Relative Title and Ownership in English Law

Rostill, Luke, Possession, Relative Title and Ownership in English Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 208 pp, hb £90.00. Imagine that B steals a bicycle from A, its owner, which is then stolen from B by C. B sues C in conversion, seeking the return of the bicycle or damages equal to its market value. Will B prevail against C? If one were to poll a representative sample of property scholars, the near-unanimous answer would be ‘yes’. However, their reasons are to likely diverge, reflecting one of three distinct views about the proprietary consequences of the fact of possession. On the first view, B’s possession creates a ‘possessory right’ to the bicycle … (more)

Michael JR Crawford, ‘Rostill, Luke, Possession, Relative Title and Ownership in English Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 208 pp, hb £90.00′, Modern Law Review, https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-2230.12690. First published: 7 September 2021.

First posted 2021-09-09 11:00:34

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