Betsy Grey, ‘Against Immunizing Nursing Homes’

“Although Congress has so far declined to enact any immunity protection specifically targeted at COVID-19 claims, that has not stopped the Executive Branch from responding to the pandemic with immunity measures. Invoking its authority to respond to public health emergencies under the 2005 Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has declared that the immunity provisions in that Act extend to civil liability claims arising from various COVID-19 countermeasures taken by specified businesses. A critical topic of debate and litigation – and the subject of this Essay – concerns the extent to which this immunity protection should apply to nursing homes …” (more)

Betsy J Grey, ‘Against Immunizing Nursing Homes’, University of Chicago Law Review Online, 18 June 2021.

First posted 2021-06-19 13:00:31

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