‘Injecting Class into Trusts and Estates’

Naomi Cahn and Amy Ziettlow, ‘Making Things Fair’: An Empirical Study of How People Approach the Wealth Transmission System, 22 Elder Law Jounral 325 (2015). Trusts and estates scholarship typically focuses on the rich. This is not surprising, as the field primarily concerns itself with wealth transmission, and the wealthy are the ones who have wealth to transmit. In Making Things Fair, Professor Naomi Cahn and Amy Ziettlow inject class into the field by examining how lower-income individuals understand the wealth transmission process. This is a valuable and much-needed intervention, both for its empirical methodology and its focus on the lived experiences of lower-income Americans … (more)

[Alexander Boni-Saenz, JOTWELL, 14 October]

First posted 2015-10-25 07:44:16

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