Call for papers: ‘The State and/of Comparative Law’ and ‘Comparative Law: From Antiquity to Modernity’: 2-6 June 2015, University of Limerick

Juris Diversitas Annual Conference, 2-4 June 2015, School of Law, University of Limerick: ‘The State and/of Comparative Law’: While any proposal on comparative law (broadly conceived) will be considered, the conference’s primary theme is the relationship between social and legal norms and social and legal institutions. More here.

Irish Society of Comparative Law Annual Conference, 5-6 June 2015, School of Law, University of Limerick: ‘Comparative Law: From Antiquity to Modernity’: Submissions on any era of legal history will be considered, as will papers on comparative and historical methodologies. However, any comparative topic may be proposed. More here.

First posted 2015-01-06 05:46:53

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