Hills and Schleicher, ‘What is Property Law in an Age of Statutes and Regulation?’

The Fourth Edition of Property: Principles and Policies by Thomas Merrill, Henry Smith and Maureen Brady lays out what the field’s leading thinkers believe we all should know about property law. Unlike most casebooks, the book is an intellectual achievement, a powerful argument made through educational materials. But it is premised on a set of beliefs, common among property law scholars, about what is important about the field. Although it discusses many legal and policy issues, Property: Principles and Policies focuses on the common law of property and the structure of property rights, both in theory and in historical practice …

Hills, Roderick Maltman and Schleicher, David, What is Property Law in an Age of Statutes and Regulation? A Review of Property: Principles and Policies by Thomas Merrill, Henry Smith and Maureen Brady (March 31, 2023), NYU Annual Survey of American Law, volume 79.1, 2023; Yale Law School, Public Law Research Paper; NYU School of Law, Public Law Research Paper No 23-47; NYU Law and Economics Research Paper No 23-33.

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