Analogous and virtual reality begin to collide, giving rise to new uncertainties about the notion of property, and although the intangible property is frequently classified as a subset of intellectual property, because both lack physical substance, they must be discussed separately. The purpose of this article is to carry out a comprehensive and general analysis of the foundation of property in the virtual world and its various conceptions in practice, through the implementation of technologies such as Blockchain, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, which will virtually unlock the liquidity of digital assets, with smart, geotagged and virtual properties emerging, giving rise to new academic and legal debates.
Llamas Covarrubias and Jersain Zadamig, Property as an Object, Means and End in the Use of Tic: Properties Smart, Geotagged and Virtual (December 16, 2020).
First posted 2021-08-13 09:00:58
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