Sarah Hamill, Review of Degeling, Crawford and Tiverios (eds), Justifying Private Rights

S Degeling, M Crawford and N Tiverios (eds), Justifying Private Rights, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2020, vii + 283pp, hb £80.00. The title of this book may only be three words long, but every word invokes a definitional controversy in legal scholarship. In fact, each word enhances the controversies at hand: what are rights, what are private rights, and how are private rights justified? Justifying Private Rights draws together contributors based at universities in Australia, England, Singapore, Canada, and the US who were invited to engage with a range of topics around justification in private law. The book consists of a short introductory chapter and eleven substantive chapters, subdivided into two parts …

Sarah E Hamill, S Degeling, M Crawford and N Tiverios (eds), Justifying Private Rights, Modern Law Review, 10.1111/1468-2230.12683.

First posted 2021-09-01 18:00:48

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