Call for papers: ‘The Law of Contracts or Laws of Contracts?’

“The Executive Committee of the AALS Contracts Section solicits proposals for presentations at the Section’s Annual Meeting program, The Law of Contracts or Laws of Contracts?, to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana on Saturday, January 5, 2013 … This year’s Section Meeting will revisit perennial and fundamental questions about ‘contract law’ as a legal rubric. Is it preferable to analyze ‘contracts’ as a category, or to disperse contracts into ‘churn–like’ categories, such as sales, consumer protection, employment, family relations, intellectual property, securities, and so on? To what extent does the experience of one type of contract justify generalizations about ‘contract law’? Conversely, what kinds of contracts implicate context-specific practices, markets, or policy concerns justifying specialized analysis and/or doctrine? …” (more)

[ContractsProf Blog, 25 June]

First posted 2012-06-27 08:42:51

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