“As a previous drama student herself (who’d have guessed it!), this Kat was delighted to review Performing Copyright: Law, Theatre and Authorship by Dr Luke McDonagh (Assistant Professor of Law at LSE Law School). This is the first academic monograph that solely considers the relationship between UK copyright law and historical and contemporary theatre. It focuses on authorship of the copyright in stage plays as dramatic works, texts that can be performed from a script (rather than musical theatre, dance, or performers rights). The book addresses questions of whom is the author and first owner of a dramatic work? Who receives the credit and the licensing rights? In what circumstances can a director or actor be granted joint-authorship with the writer? What happens when a copyright infringement claim is made against the playwright? And who poses moral rights in the work? …” (more)
[Hayleigh Bosher, The IPKat, 22 November]
First posted 2021-11-23 09:00:42
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