‘A clash of two logics: Gulati v MGN Ltd on damages for breach of privacy’

“The case of Gulati v MGN Ltd [2015] EWHC 1482 (Ch), to which the attention of this blog’s readers has already been drawn here, is a complex but important case. In particular, the fact that no publication to the world at large had occurred in the case of one claimant, and that the element of distress was considerably downplayed because the hacking had occurred unbeknownst to the claimants, forced Mann J to engage with foundational issues in the still-fledging law of privacy in England and Wales. This post will focus on the topic of damages (the sort of losses that are being compensated for) and do so from a mainly private law theory perspective …” (more)

[Eric Descheemaeker, Inforrm’s Blog, 2 June]

First posted 2015-06-02 05:53:04

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