Vogenauer and Dannemann, ‘The European Contract Law Initiative and the “CFR in Context” Project’

‘The Common European Sales Law in Context: Interactions with English and German Law’ explores the interactions between a European contract law instrument and national legal systems, using English law and German law as examples. The purpose of this first chapter of the book is to set out the background to our enquiry and the methodology we employed. The first part gives an overview of the ‘European contract law initiative’ which has resulted in various drafts for a European contract law regime, culminating in the two instruments that are the focus of the following chapters: the European Commission’s Proposal for a Regulation on a Common European Sales Law of October 2011 and one of its precursors, the 2009 Draft Common Frame of Reference. The second part of this chapter describes the Anglo-German research project which led to ‘The Common European Sales Law in Context: Interactions with English and German Law’. This chapter will explain the overarching questions we set out to answer and the methodology employed by the authors of the various chapters.

Vogenauer, Stefan and Dannemann, Gerhard, The European Contract Law Initiative and the ‘CFR in Context’ Project (March 7, 2013). G. Dannemann and S. Vogenauer (eds), The Common European Sales Law in Context: Interactions with English and German Law (Chapter 1) (Oxford: OUP March 2013), Forthcoming; Oxford Legal Studies Research Paper No. 16/2013.

First posted 2013-03-09 09:34:27

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