Vadim Mantrov, ‘A Victim of a Road Traffic Accident Not Fastened by the Seat Belt and the EU Motor Insurance Law: CJEU Judgment in Vítor Hugo Marques Almeida

This case note relates to the recent judgement (23 October 2012) by the Court of Justice of the European Union in the case No C-300/10 concerning interrelation of the European Union motor insurance law and the national civil liability regulation. As the civil liability arising from motor traffic accidents is not approximated by the European Union law, its regulation falls within the national law. Yet, application of the national civil liability law shall not undermine the obligation to provide insurance coverage for victims of road traffic accidents. The discussed case concerns a situation when a victim who was not fastened by a seat belt at the moment of a motor traffic accident was injured, and this raises a question whether such victim may be compensated due to contributory negligence. This note provides a brief summary of the previous case law, facts, review of Attorney’s General Opinion and the judgment and their analysis.

Mantrov, Vadim, A Victim of a Road Traffic Accident Not Fastened by the Seat Belt and the EU Motor Insurance Law: CJEU Judgment in Vítor Hugo Marques Almeida (March 27, 2013).

First posted 2013-05-10 18:43:01

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