‘The Man, The Torts Legend’

Christopher Robinette, The Prosser Letters: 1919-1948, 101 Iowa Law Review (forthcoming 2016), available at SSRN; Kenneth S Abraham and G Edward White, Prosser and His Influence, 6 Journal of Tort Law 27 (2015), available at SSRN. United States courts cited Dean Prosser’s hornbook on Torts more than 200 times over the course of 2015. In that year, courts also cited Dean Prosser’s Restatement (Second) of Torts more a thousand times. Dean Prosser’s work shaped the law of Torts in the United States and continues to do so today, forty-three years after his death. Despite Prosser’s out-sized influence in the field, surprisingly few articles have been written about this founder of contemporary Tort law … (more)

[Ellen Bublick, JOTWELL, 23 February]

First posted 2016-02-23 14:04:03

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