“We here at the contracts prof blog are frequently in a lather over adhesive contracts. Terms of use run amok, arbitration clauses are routinely enforced, and non-compete clauses prevent teenagers from seeking gainful employment. Yet, where’s the outrage from other quarters? One problem, as John Oliver notes in this hilarious (and effective) bit on net neutrality, is that some things are just too BORING to grab consumers’ attention. Towards the end of the clip (about 10:10), he states this truth: ‘If you want to do something evil, put it inside something boring’. He speculates that Apple could put the entire text of Mein Kampf inside its user agreement and we would just hit ‘Agree’ …” (more)
[Nancy Kim, ContractsProf Blog, 12 June]
First posted 2014-06-13 07:20:57
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