Reflections on Nuisance and Regulation, Monday 15 September 2014, from 3.30-6.30pm, reception to follow at UCL Faculty of Laws. The place of regulatory decisions in private nuisance is of enormous practical significance, for litigators, planners, businesses and communities. It also highlights broader, persistent questions about the relative roles of courts and administrative bodies in the generation and enforcement of appropriate social (including environmental) standards, and in the distribution of risks, opportunities, costs and benefits. Recent judicial exploration of the relationship between private nuisance and planning controls has provided an instructive context for these questions, and the Supreme Court decision in Coventry v Lawrence [2014] UKSC 13 is a central moment in the evolution of the relationship between the regulatory state and the common law courts …. (more, registration)
[University College London, June]
First posted 2014-06-18 06:13:51
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