Just published: Allan Beever, The Law of Private Nuisance

“It is said that a nuisance is an interference with the use and enjoyment of land. This definition is typically unhelpful. While a nuisance must fit this account, it is plain that not all such interferences are legal nuisances. Thus, analysis of this area of the law begins with a definition far too broad for its subject matter, forcing the analyst to find more or less arbitrary ways of cutting back on potential liability. Tort law is plagued by this kind of approach. In the law of nuisance, today’s preferred method of cutting back is to employ the notion of reasonableness. No one seems to know quite what ‘reasonableness’ means in this context, however. This is because, in fact, it does not mean anything. The notion is no more than the immediately recognisable symptom of our inadequate comprehension of the law …” (more)

Allan Beever, The Law of Private Nuisance. Hart Studies in Private Law, Hart Publishing, 180 pp, Hardback, September 2013, ISBN 9781849465069.

First posted 2013-09-12 18:01:45

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