Giacomo Pongelli, ‘The proposal for a regulation on a common European sales law (CESL) and its gradual evolution’

A fundamental step in the process of establishing a private European law in the matter of contracts is marked by the “Proposal for a Regulation on a Common European Sales Law” (CESL) of 11.10.2011. Not only because of the key-role of sales law as opposed to other contractual models, but also because the proposal disciplines different profiles (such as the conclusion of the contract and formal requirements, the interpretation, the right of withdrawal, the avoidance of the contract resulting from mistake, fraud or threat) that are not peculiar to sales but pertain mainly to contracts in general terms.

Giacomo Pongelli, The proposal for a regulation on a common European sales law (CESL) and its gradual evolution. Comparative Law Review, Vol 4, No 1 (2013).

First posted 2013-07-11 06:44:20

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