‘Just Unjust Enrichment’

Maytal Gilboa, Yotam Kaplan and Roee Sarel, ‘Climate Change as Unjust Enrichment’, Georgetown Law Journal (forthcoming), available at SSRN (6 July 2023). When considering the essence of law, it becomes evident that its fundamental purpose is to safeguard our safety and well-being. However, amidst the many challenges facing humanity, the law has fallen short in shielding us from one of the gravest threats to our lives and way of life – climate change. In a new thought-provoking piece, ‘Climate Change as Unjust Enrichment’, Maytal Gilboa, Yotam Kaplan, and Roee Sarel (hereafter referred to as GKS) offer a glimmer of hope. Where international treaties, regulations, and tort law have faltered, GKS propose harnessing the oft-forgotten doctrine of unjust enrichment as a means to rescue us from the dire consequences of climate change. Climate change, aptly dubbed the ‘super wicked’ problem, presents an overwhelming challenge … (more)

[Ronen Avraham, JOTWELL, 24 October 2023]

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