Timothy M Mulvaney and Joseph William Singer, ‘Essential Property’, 107 Minnesota Law Review 101 (2022). Is it personal choice or the society in which we live that creates unequal distributions of wealth? In ‘Essential Property’, Timothy M Mulvaney and Joseph William Singer agree with the Emperor of the French: the source of inequality lies in the state, or, more precisely, its laws, including private property. This observation confirms an intuitive sense that in its very essence, private property is both inequality and, that fact notwithstanding, it is not soon to disappear. Too much depends on it. And, frankly, not only is it deeply ingrained in our liberal world, but also very possibly in our DNA. While eliminating private property’s inequality might be impossible, Mulvaney and Singer argue that we can look for ways to reconfigure it so as to reduce its unequal distributions … (more)
[PT Babie, JOTWELL, 16 June 2024]
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