Mark Warby, ‘Media Litigation in the High Court’

The subject of my remarks today is the business of doing justice in media cases in the High Court of England and Wales. I want to suggest that achieving justice requires three things, at least: a substantive law that is fair; procedures that are just and efficient; and a system that is managed and operated in such a way as to promote swift and effective dispute resolution in practice. So this talk is in three parts. I am going to take the three elements I have mentioned in reverse order. There is limited scope for a sitting judge to comment on the substantive law. So my focus will be on the management of the system, and procedural issues …” (more)

The Honourable Mr Justice Warby, Judge In Charge Of The Media And Communications List, ‘Media Litigation in the High Court’, Address to the Annual Conference of the Media Law Resource Center, The Law Society, Tuesday 26 September 2017.

First posted 2017-09-28 06:41:29

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