‘Post-industrial society and private law’: Guido Comparato, Amsterdam, Centre for the Study of European Contract Law, 20 March 2017 15:30

The notion of post-industrialism has emerged in the 20th century to describe (post-) modern societies whose economy is primarily based on services and in which knowledge and information assume a predominant social and economic function. While the historical link between industrialisation and private law is well-known, how does the alleged coming of post-industrialism affect private law? To address the question, the paper critically discusses the concept of post-industrialism and after showing its manifold ideological connotations it suggests that the notion does offer tools for the comprehension of current tendencies in law and regulation. Despite certain ideological uses of the notion, post-industrialism does not however imply the overcoming of social struggles and a necessary move from politics to technocracy, but rather reveals the rise of new conflicts … (more)

First posted 2017-02-22 12:47:31

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