North East Regional Obligations Group: Peter Jaffey will be discussing his recent article in the Law Quarterly Review, ‘Explaining the Trust’ (2015) 131 LQR 377. Commentator: Duncan Sheehan (more).
First posted 2016-03-08 05:56:27
Obligations, Property, Legal Theory | Saturday, 12 October 2024 - 11:13 |
North East Regional Obligations Group: Peter Jaffey will be discussing his recent article in the Law Quarterly Review, ‘Explaining the Trust’ (2015) 131 LQR 377. Commentator: Duncan Sheehan (more).
First posted 2016-03-08 05:56:27
In celebration, cerebration and circumbilifabulation of David Campbell’s recent treatise, a colloquium of commentaries, criticisms and coruscations … (more)
How these two systems connect or interact is the subject of the Fourth Canadian Law of Obligations Conference to be held at the Faculté de droit at the Université de Montréal on 17-18 October 2024. This year’s conference is devoted to exploring the extent to which common and civil law are moving toward convergence in the area of private law … (more)
Lord Mansfield (1705-93) is one of the giants of English legal history. He was instrumental in the development of English law, and in particular commercial law, and his decisions over the course of his 32 years as Lord Chief Justice included definitions of fundamental legal principles … (more, tickets)
Aston University’s annual Professor Jill Poole Memorial Lecture, to be delivered by Mr Justice Foxton. Drinks reception: from 5:00pm (MBA Lounge, Aston Business School and Conference Centre). Lecture: 6:00pm (G11, Byng Kenrick Lecture Theatre, Main Building) … (tickets)
This international academic conference continues the successful series of annual conferences on different aspects of commercial contract law. The conference is organised in co-operation with the University of Westminster and its Commercial Law Group … (more, tickets)
The Council of the Irish Association of Law Teachers welcomes papers on all areas of substantive and procedural law and on any issue relating to legal education. Presentations are not restricted to the theme of the conference … (more)
Conference program: Legal harmonisation between Austria and Germany before the amendments to the ABGB (Kamila Staudigl-Ciechowicz); The ABGB in the case law of the VIII. Civil Senate of the German Reichsgericht 1939-1945 (Martin Löhnig); The British Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (David Schorr); … (more)
The format will be similar to previous colloquia where participants are requested to submit a paper for distribution in advance to other attendees. The colloquium will then take the form of a short presentation of each paper by each participant followed by a roundtable discussion … (more)
The aims of the conference are to provide academics with an informal and supportive environment in which to present work in progress, and to facilitate a collegial discussion of issues related to teaching and publishing in the field. We encourage early and midcareer academics and research higher degree students to consider presenting on aspects of their work relating to the broad conference theme of ‘Wrongs in Private and Commercial Law’ … (more)
The keynote speech will be given by The Honourable Sir Stephen Kós KNZM and the thematic panels will be chaired by a selection of leading voices from New Zealand academia … (more, call for papers)
We invite Tort and Compensation system researchers and teachers in Australia and New Zealand to join us in Auckland or online on 13-14 February 2025 to share research and teaching approaches about tort law, and compensation systems … (more, call for papers)
Everyone – regardless of previous participation – is encouraged to submit their abstracts for consideration. However, please note that it is CLSC policy to prioritize authors whose work was not presented the preceding year. We welcome doctrinal, theoretical, and empirical approaches. Potential topics include the full breadth of issues involving consumers in the marketplace … (more, call for papers)
Building on previous findings, the third conference will take for granted that many people, if not all, are vulnerable in the digital world. The questions we will discuss at the conference therefore are: what can be done? … (more, call for papers)
The theme of the conference is to call attention to the development of legal institutions that are related to and serve as the foundation of modern/contemporary state and law. We mainly expect papers based on the examination of primary sources … (more, call for papers)
The Conference marks the 10th anniversary of the Trusts, Wealth Management and Philanthropy Conference Series. It will focus on Trust and Innovative Philanthropy, exploring key themes … (more, call for papers)
This will be co-hosted by Harvard Law School and Melbourne Law School and will be convened by John Goldberg, Andrew Robertson and Henry Smith. A call for papers will be issued in 2024 … (more)
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