KCON9: Second Saturday Morning Panel: Contracts & Employment

“Our own Meredith Miller started the panel with a paper on Getting Paid: Contracting in the Naked Economy. Professor Miller’s paper is in part a reflection on her experience with freelancers who have been doing work in the new economy and have been experiencing a hard time getting paid. The amount due often does not rise to a level that would justify litigation. Professor Miller began by discussing ‘the rise in independent work’, which is a lose category encompassing the ‘jobless but not workless’. These people are often highly skilled, and big companies prefer to have consultants rather than employees because of liabilities and costs attendant to employees that are not associated with contractual relations with consultants …” (more)

[Jeremy Telman, ContractsProf Blog, 22 February]

First posted 2014-02-23 09:49:31

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