“The publication of the Restatement Third: Unjust Enrichment and Restitution by the American Law Institute in July 2010 was an event of major importance, not only for the development of the law of unjust enrichment in the US, but also for global scholarship relating to this area of private law. The Restatement First appeared in 1937, and the Restatement Second was abandoned; hence the Restatement Third is the most significant survey of the American law on this topic for over 70 years. Private law has been a comparatively neglected area of study in US law schools for several decades, and this is particularly true of the law of unjust enrichment …” (more)
The Restatement Third: Restitution and Unjust Enrichment: Critical and Comparative Essays. Hart Publishing. Edited by Charles Mitchell and William Swadling. Hardback, May 2013.
First posted 2013-05-13 20:10:47
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