Gijs Van Dijck, ‘Assessing the Defensive Practices Concern in Tort Law: Bridging the Gap between Empirical Analysis and Doctrinal Reasoning’

This article evaluates the concern that tort liability causes individuals or organizations to change their behavior, actions, or views. After comparing how the defensive practices concern is used in case law and empirical studies, it is found that UK and Dutch case law currently suffer from an imprecise use of the defensive practices concern, and that the relationship between liability and practices is much more nuanced than case law suggests. It is concluded that the rather careless application of the defensive practices concern can, and presumably does, impact case outcomes.

Van Dijck, Gijs, Assessing the Defensive Practices Concern in Tort Law: Bridging the Gap between Empirical Analysis and Doctrinal Reasoning (June 27, 2013).

First posted 2013-06-29 07:35:48

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