Geoffrey Palmer, ‘Big Change, Exciting Adventures: Accident Compensation’

This comprises a chapter of the author’s 2013 memoir that was published by the Victoria University Press, Wellington, New Zealand. It concerns New Zealand’s novel accident compensation scheme that replaces tort law as a means of compensating the victims of accidents. It reviews the author’s involvement with the reform from its earliest days up until the present. It traces the difficulties with enacting the scheme, its administration and its financing. It also reviews efforts to take the reform to Australia where it was not enacted. It reflects upon the difficulties of securing general deterrence through the allocation of accident costs.

Palmer QC, Sir Geoffrey, Big Change, Exciting Adventures: Accident Compensation (November 1, 2013). Reform: A Memoir (Victoria University Press, Wellington, 2013) p 198-226.

First posted 2015-08-17 06:34:05

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