“One of the most interesting developments in the last few decades has been the appearance of an increasing number of international and regional legal instruments on private law topics. Some of these have found their way into hard law, while others are soft law, which has no binding force but which contracting parties, drafters, judges, arbitrators, and legislators can make use of as they think fit, even if only as a sort of background self-briefing on what has been found acceptable by the international or regional bodies responsible for the instruments. The question addressed in this article is whether it is possible to detect in the more recent instruments an emerging consensus on the use of certain key private law concepts …” (more)
Eric Clive, ‘Key concepts in uniform and regional private law instruments: an emerging consensus?’ Uniform Law Review (2013) doi: 10.1093/ulr/uns003. First published online: March 20, 2013.
First posted 2013-03-27 07:37:22
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