Black, Chung, Traczynski, Udalova and Vats, ‘Medical Liability Insurance Premia 1990-2015: Dataset, Literature Review, and Summary Information’

This document and the accompanying datasets provide six things: (i) a dataset covering 26 years (1990-2015) of medical malpractice (‘med mal’) insurance premia, compiled with extensive data cleaning from the only available source for these rates, annual surveys conducted by Medical Liability Monitor (MLM); (ii) an accompanying codebook; (iii) the Stata code we use to clean the raw data; (iv) merger of the MLM data with related datasets from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners and the American Medical Association; (v) a survey of prior uses of the MLM data; and (vi) a summary analysis of the data. We hope that the availability of this cleaned dataset will prompt further research on the effects of med mal premiums on provider behavior. We provide separate raw and cleaned datasets. We plan, but do not promise, to update the dataset as additional annual releases become available.

Black, Bernard S and Chung, Jeanette W and Traczynski, Jeffrey and Udalova, Victoria and Vats, Sonal, Medical Liability Insurance Premia 1990-2015: Dataset, Literature Review, and Summary Information (March 29, 2016). Northwestern Law and Econ Research Paper.

First posted 2016-03-31 06:04:57

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